Change of Plan Application
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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  ||oCNoEventExceptionOccurs if no Event for a given SingleEvent is available
  ||oCNoEventGroupExceptionOccurs if no EventGroup for a given Event is available
  ||oCNoSingleEventExceptionOccurs if no SingleEvent for a given SingleEventID is available
  ||\CNoStorageExceptionOccurs if no storage is available
  ||oCGCMBaseIntentServiceSkeleton for application-specific IntentServices responsible for handling communication from Google Cloud Messaging service
  ||oCGCMBroadcastReceiverBroadcastReceiver that receives GCM messages and delivers them to an application-specific GCMBaseIntentService subclass
  ||oCGCMConstantsConstants used by the GCM library
  ||\CGCMRegistrarUtilities for device registration
  ||oCAboutActivityThis activity shows information about CoPA
  ||oCChangeSingleEventActivityIn this activity a user can update a event, if he has the rights to do it
  ||oCColorDialogThis is a helper class for the colordialog
  ||oCEventAdapterThis Adapter helps to show the List of subscribed Events
  ||oCEventPrivActivityIn this activity a user can see all rightholders, deputies and owners of an event
  ||oCHelpActivityThis activity shows the categories of help
  ||oCHelpExtendedActivityThis activity shows helpful information as for example the rights hierarchy of CoPA
  ||oCLoginActivityIn this activity a user can enter his name and password to login or click a button to logout
  ||oCMainActivityIn this activity the user sees a list of his next SingleEvents
  ||oCMainAdapterThis Adapter helps to show the List of SingleEvents on the MainActivity
  ||oCPopUpThis is a helper class for dialogs and alerts
  ||oCPrivAdapterThis Adapter helps to show the List of Events to which a user has special rights
  ||oCPrivilegesActivityIn this activity a user can manage his privileges
  ||oCSearchActivityIn this activity a user start his search after a event by chosing categories and a searchterm
  ||oCSearchAdapterThis Adapter helps to show the List of Events
  ||oCSearchResultEventActivityOn this activity the Events as results of a search are shown
  ||oCSearchResultEventAdapterThis Adapter helps to show the List of Events
  ||oCSearchResultGroupActivityOn this activity the EventGroups as results of a search are shown
  ||oCSearchResultGroupAdapterThis Adapter helps to show the List of Events
  ||oCSearchResultSingleEventActivityIn this activity a user sees all SingleEvents to an Event which he has found before with the search
  ||oCSearchResultSingleEventAdapterThis Adapter helps to show the List of SingleEvents which belong to a before with the search found Event
  ||oCSettingsActivityIn this activity a user can change his settings
  ||oCSingleEventActivityIn this activity a user can see all details of a SingleEvent
  ||oCSingleEventListActivityIn this activity a user sees all SingleEvents to an Event
  ||oCSingleEventListAdapterThis Adapter helps to show the List of SingleEvents
  ||\CSubscriptionActivityIn this activity a user can see all Events, which he has subscribed
  ||\CServerConnectionTestTest class for the ServerConnection class
  |oCCoPAAppHttpClientThis class implements the Bouncy Castle KeyStore which includes the SSL Certificate of the unicopa server
  |oCDatabaseThis class implements the Android Database as a singleton
  |oCGCMCommonUtilitiesHelper class providing methods and constants common to other classes in the app
  |oCGCMIntentServiceIntentService responsible for handling GCM messages
  |oCGCMServerUtilitiesHelper class used to communicate with the demo server
  |oCHelperThis is a helper class which implements some methods for repeating tasks that are needed on various occasions
  |oCServerConnectionThis singleton class manages the connection with the server
  |oCSettingsLocalThis class extends the BaseClass Settings with notification kind and last update
  |oCSingleEventLocalThis class extends the BaseClass SingleEvent with the update status and color code
  |oCStorageThis class implements the Android SharedPreferences to store Settings
  |\CHelperTestThis is the TestClass of the class Helper
   |\CCommunicationItemA data represention of what shall be communicated between service and client
   |oCCategoryNodeRepresents a node in the category tree
   |oCCategoryNodeImplSimple implementation of the CategoryNode interface
   |oCEventAn event that can have multiple fixed dates (SingleEvents)
   |oCEventGroupA group of Events
   |oCSingleEventA single occurence (fixed date) of an Event
   |oCSingleEventUpdateAn update on a fixed date of an event (SingleEvent)
   |oCUtilA collection of utility methods related to the base classes
   oCServerInfoContains information about the service running
   oCServerStatusNoteHolds information about the servers status
   oCUserEventSettingsSettings of one user for an event
   oCUserRoleRoles for users of the system which grant access to different functions
   oCUserSettingsRepresents the personal settings of a user