Change of Plan Application
unicopa | |
copa | |
base | |
com | |
exception | |
request | |
serialization | |
CommunicationItem | A data represention of what shall be communicated between service and client |
event | |
CategoryNode | Represents a node in the category tree |
CategoryNodeImpl | Simple implementation of the CategoryNode interface |
Event | An event that can have multiple fixed dates (SingleEvents) |
EventGroup | A group of Events |
SingleEvent | A single occurence (fixed date) of an Event |
SingleEventUpdate | An update on a fixed date of an event (SingleEvent) |
CategoryNodeImplTest | |
util | |
Util | A collection of utility methods related to the base classes |
UtilTest | |
ServerInfo | Contains information about the service running |
ServerStatusNote | Holds information about the servers status |
UserData | |
UserEventSettings | Settings of one user for an event |
UserRole | Roles for users of the system which grant access to different functions |
UserSettings | Represents the personal settings of a user |
UserSettingsTest | |
server | |
com | |
requestHandler | |
database | |
data | |
util | |
DatabaseService | The database service provides an interface to the database |
IncorrectObjectException | Indicated that an object queried does already exist |
ObjectAlreadyExsistsException | Indicated that an object queried does already exist |
ObjectNotFoundException | Indicated that an object queried does not exist |
DatabaseServiceTest | |
EmailContext | The Context which is passed as a list to the E-Mail service |
EmailService | With the E-Mail Service it is possible to send E-Mails for notifications of updates |
TextPatterns | The Text-Patterns of the Template for E-Mail message bodies that should be replaced by actual data |
UpdateInformation | The update information that is passed to the E-Mail service |
gcm | |
GoogleCloudMessagingService | With the GoogleCloudMessagingSerive it is possible to send push messages to Android devices |
module | |
eventimport | |
notification | |
EmailNotificationService | This NotificationService informs users about updates by sending E-Mails |
GoogleCloudNotificationService | This NotificationService informs Android devices about updates by sending Google Cloud Messages |
NotificationService | A service which notifies clients about an update on a SingleEvent |
Notifier | This class holds all notification services available to the system |
servlet | |
CopaServlet | This servlet receives all requests (AbstractRequest) from the clients, passes them to the CopaSystem and sends the reponses back |
util | |
IOutils | A collection of IO utility methods |
SimpleHttpsClient | A simple HTTPS client based on Jetty |
CopaSystem | This class represents the core of the system |
CopaSystemContext | Provides access to subsystems and information that is needed by different components of the system |
GeneralUserPermission | Represents special permissions for users |
Registration | This class handles the registration of users to the system |
ClientSimulationTest | Simulate client requests to the service |